Iraqi Dura Oil Refinery Enhances Existing Analog Surveillance System with VIVOTEK Technology
Inga International & Jiwari Trading is a diversified state enterprise playing a major role in Iraq's electronics and oil industries. It recently saw the need to upgrade the capabilities of an analog camera-based surveillance system at an oil refinery, and used a VIVOTEK solution to excellent effect.
Jiwari already had an extensive surveillance system in place at the oil refinery, which it manages for the Iraqi oil refinery security. However, because it was largely based on stand-alone cameras located at great distances apart from each other and from the field's operations center, effective surveillance was difficult to achieve. Extensive human patrols and other security measures had to be undertaken to adequately monitor the oil field.
Additionally, because the cameras in place were older analog speed dome devices, Inga International & Jiwari Trading could not easily take advantage of newer digital technology, short of replacing the existing cameras. However, VIVOTEK provided an answer that enabled them to preserve its considerable investment in legacy infrastructure, while greatly enhancing the effectiveness of the video surveillance and reducing the need for supplemental security measures with their additional manpower and cost overhead.


The answer provided by VIVOTEK came in the form of its VS7100 video server and RX7101 video receiver. 30 VS7100 servers were used to convert analog video from the existing cameras to digital signals and then transmit them to the control room in the operations center. Conversion to digital allowed the video to be transmitted over the large distances of the oil field without the signal degradation that affects analog data.
Meanwhile, in the control room, 30 RX7101 video receivers convert the digitally encoded video stream back to analog for monitoring on HuperLab analog displays and for recording on its legacy video management system.

Customer Feedbacks
Muhsin Jiwari, supervisor of security at the Iraqi oil refinery professes to be extremely pleased with the results of the upgrade project. In addition to preserving the company's investment in its legacy surveillance system while dramatically boosting its effectiveness, the VIVOTEK video server and receiver solution has provided a significant side benefit. He explains, "VIVOTEK's Bolida project support was very quick and helpful, and showed me how I could use a joystick to control our old analog cameras. What a great custom feature!"
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